- ziheche human placenta placenta hominis
- 紫: purple; violet
- 河: river
- 紫: Ⅰ形容词(红和蓝合成的颜色) purple; violet 冻得脸色发紫 turn purple with cold; 他气得脸色发紫。 he became purple with rage.Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 紫云 zi yun
- 河: 1.(天然的和人工的大水道) river 潮汐河 tidal river; 大河 very large river; 国境[内陆] 河 boundary [continental] river; 运河 canal2.(指银河系) the milky way system; the galaxy 河外射电源 extragalactic radio source3.(特指黄河) the huanghe river; the yellow river 河西 west of the huanghe river4.(姓氏) a surname 河润 he run
- lauth紫: lauth's violet
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